BS ISO 13304-1:2020 pdf free.Radiological protection – Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation.
BS ISO 13304-1 With conventional EPR spectrometers, the magnetic field [for EPR signals with g-factor near 2,0, typically 350 mT for X-band and 1 200 mT for Q-band) is restricted to the region between the pole caps of the magnets, and therefore, there is no associated health risk [can affect watches or credit cards if brought very close to the pole gap].Due to the open nature of some in vivo EPR spectrometers, the magnetic field (for EPR signals with g-factor near 2,0, 40 mT for L-band) combined with large gaps between the poles has the potential
to project the 0,5 mT line beyond the confines of the room. This line needs to be determined and appropriate shielding placed for areas that exceed this limit and that are accessed by the general public.The establishment of the 0,5 mT limit is based on concerns about potential effects on pacemakers,which could pose a significant hazard from the magnetic fields that are employed with open in vivo EPR spectrometers. The conventional limit is 0,5 mT (which is very conservative] and surveys should be made to confirm that this field is not exceeded where a person with a pacemaker could be positioned[53].Effects of modulation fields on tissues or tooth restorations are not a significant hazard.All samples should be collected in as uniform manner as possible and the circumstances of the collection noted, although this may not always be able to be controlled by the measuring laboratory. If prior coordination between the collecting and the measuring laboratories is possible, requirements about the sample collection, selection [of donors, location, or materials) and storage (sample holder, integrity of
the sample and of the container, temperature, light, UV) should be given. If information about samples is available, keep record of them (this information can be about the location of the sample, origin or history of the sample, information about donor, etc.]. All samples should have a unique identifying code associated with them. BS ISO 13304-1 pdf download.
BS ISO 13304-1:2020 pdf free