BS ISO 21905:2020 pdf free.Gas turbine exhaust systems with or without waste heat recovery.
The supplier’s proposal should include: a) data sheets for each exhaust system and the associated equipment; b) an outline drawing showing as a minimum, layout and clearances, arrangement of tube bundles, platforms, ducting, damper systems and stack; c) a definition of the extent of shop assembly, including the number, size and weight of prefabricated parts and the number of field welds; d) a detailed description of any exceptions to the specified requirements including this document; e) a completed noise data sheet if specified by the purchaser; f) a time schedule for submission of all required drawings, data and documents; g) a program for scheduling the work after receipt of an order; this should include a specified period of time for the purchaser to review and return drawings, procurement of materials, manufacture and the required date of supply; h) a list of utilities and quantities required; i) if specified by the purchaser, a list of proposed sub-suppliers for major components and items, which can include steel plate, insulation materials, expansion joints, tubes and extended surfaces on tubes, fittings, tube bundle fabrication, dampers, castings, steel fabrication, ladders and platforms and other auxiliary equipment. The supplier shall identify all parts and components with a shorter estimated lifetime than that specified for the complete system or which will need maintenance and/or removal for service. Expansion joints, damper, actuators and seals are examples of such components.Unless otherwise stated by the purchaser, the design, selection of equipment and materials and corrosion protection shall be based on a design lifetime of 20 years with 30 starts/stops from cold to full load per year. The supplier should supply the service life and minimum uninterrupted operation interval based on each specific application. The maintenance procedure necessary to achieve these intervals should also be supplied. For highly cyclic GT applications, e.g. in single cycle mode, where the start/stop cycles are significantly more frequent, the risk of fatigue on various parts of the WHRU increases.BS ISO 21905 pdf download.
BS ISO 21905:2020 pdf free