DR AS NZS 2243.4:2017 pdf free.Safety in laboratories Part 4: lonizing radiations.
1.4.2 Accident
NOTE: The SI unit for activity is the reciprocal second (s), termed equal to one nuclear transformation per second.
1.4.4 Activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD)
1.4.5 Adequate protection
1.4.10 Becquerel (Bq)
The number. f disintegrations per second.
NOTE: This is the SI unit of activity.
1.4.11 Committed dose
Any unintended event, including operating errors, equipment failures and other mishaps, the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection and safety.
NOTE: Also known as ‘Incident’.
1.4.3 Activity /
The average number of spontaneous nuclear transformations of a radionuclide occurring in unit time.
th.bçcq,u’erel (Bq:
The aerodynamic diameter of particles having the median activity of theAeIo\sol of interest, 1 C 50% of the aerosol activity is associated with larger particles
NOTE: For dosimetry purposes, the AMAD can be taken trepreseIt the aerosoi’
Protection against ionizing radiations so .thatjhe radiation do es recetyed by any person
from external or internal sources, or both, are as low as is reasonably achievable (the
ALARA principle), are below any constraints recommended for those sources by the
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agenc APANSij,or the Office of
Radiation Safety (NZ) and, in any e’çnt, di notexceed referred to in
Appendix A.
1.4.6 Aerodynamic diame1r.
The diameter, in rim, of a unit density sphere having the same aerodynamic characteristics as the particle of Lnterest. ) \
1.4.7 Dose equivalent IH*(d)J
The dose equivalent that would be -produced by the corresponding aligned and expanded field in the Internitional Commilsion on Radiat?n Units and Measurements (ICRU) sphere at a depth d on the radius vector opposing the direction of the aligned field
/ NOTE The recommended value of d for strongly penetrating radiation is 10 mm /1.4.8 Annual dose
/“ The dose from\exte1l exposure in a year plus the committed dose from intakes of radionuclides in that year.
1.4.9.. Annual limit on intake (ALl)
That quantity ofi radionuclide which, if taken into the body during one year, would lead to a committedeffective dose equal to the relevant annual limit on effective dose.
The lifetime dose expected to result from an intake.DR AS NZS 2243.4 pdf download.
DR AS NZS 2243.4:2017 pdf free