ISO 20078-3:2019 pdf free.Road vehicles — Extended vehicle (ExVe) web services — Part 3: Security. ISO 20078-3 defines how to authenticate users and Accessing Parties on a web services interface. It also defines how a Resource Owner can delegate Access to its Resources to an Accessing Party. Within this context, this document also defines the necessary roles and required separation...
ISO 11971:2020 pdf free
ISO 11971:2020 pdf free.Steel and iron castings — Visual testing of surface quality. ISO 11971 covers the acceptance criteria for the visual testing of the surface of steel and iron castings. Introduction The surface roughness of a casting is influenced by the manufacturing process (moulding, grinding, finishing, etc.), the moulding materials used (sand, coating. etc.), the equipment available and the...

BS ISO 21285:2019 pdf free
BS ISO 21285:2019 pdf free.Soil quality — Inhibition of reproduction of the soil mite (Hypoaspis aculeifer) by soil contaminants. Ecotoxicological test systems are applied to obtain information about the effects of contaminants in soil and are proposed to complement conventional chemical analysis (see ISO 15799 and ISO 17616). ISO 15799 includes a list and short characterization of recommended and standardized...
BS ISO 20942:2019 pdf free
BS ISO 20942:2019 pdf free.Leather — Full chrome upper leather — Specification and test methods. Introduction Leather is widely used in the footwear industry. Although different tanning agents can be used to produce leather, chromium Ill is still the most important agent in the tanning of leather for footwear. This document specifies requirements for various types of full chrome upper...
IEEE C50.13-2005 pdf free
IEEE C50.13-2005 - IEEE Standard for Cylindrical-Rotor 50 Hz and 60 Hz Synchronous Generators Rated 10 MVA and Above. Abstract: The requirements in this standard are applied to 50 Hz and 60 Hz, two-pole and fourpole, cylindrical-rotor synchronous generators driven by steam turbines and/or by combustion gas turbines. The drive may be direct or through a gearbox or other device...
IEEE C62.48-2005 pdf free
IEEE C62.48-2005 pdf free.IEEE Guide on Interactions Between Power System Disturbances and Surge Protective Devices. Abstract: Information is provided to users and manufacturers of surge-protective devices (SPDs) about the interactions that can occur between SPDs and power system disturbances. This guide applies to SPDs manufactured to be connected to 50 Hz or 60 Hz ac power circuits rated at 1...
BS EN ISO 8785:1999 pdf free
BS EN ISO 8785:1999 pdf free.GEOMETRICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (GPS) - SURFACE IMPERFECTIONS - TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND PARAMETERS. Introduction BS EN ISO 8785 is a geometrical product specification (GPS) standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (see ISO/TR 14638). It influences the chain links 1 and 2 of the chain of standards for surface imperfections. For more...
BS EN ISO 9431:1999 pdf free
BS EN ISO 9431:1999 pdf free.Construction Drawings - Spaces For Drawing And For Text, And Title Blocks On Drawing Sheets. BS EN ISO 9431 specifies requirements concerning the placing, layout and contents of spaces for drawing and for text, and title blocks on construction drawings. 2 Normative references ISO 3098-1:1974, Technical drawings — Lettering — Part 1: Currently used characters....
BS EN ISO 2867:1999 pdf free
BS EN ISO 2867:1999 pdf free,Earth-moving machinery - Access systems. BS EN ISO 2867 specifies criteria for access systems — steps, ladders, walkways, platforms, grab rails (handrails), grab handles, guardrails and enclosure entrance and exit openings — as they relate to aiding the operator and servicemen in performing their functions on the machinery. BS EN ISO 2867 applies to access...
BS EN ISO 6284:1999 pdf free
BS EN ISO 6284:1999 pdf free.Construction drawings - Indication of limit deviations. BS EN ISO 6284 specifies methods for the indication of limit deviations on construction drawings. ISO 286-1:1988, ISO system of limits and fits — Part 1: Bases of tolerances, deviations and fits. ISO 1803:—, Building construction — Expression of dimensional accuracy — Vocabulary1 ISO 4068:1978, Building and civil...