AS/NZS 2293.2-1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 2293.2-1995 pdf free.Emergency evacuation lighting for buildings - Part2:Inspection and maintenance. AS/NZS 2293.2 sets out the periodic inspection and maintenance procedures which are necessary to ensure that emergency evacuation lighting systems will be in a state of readiness for operation at all times. It applies to central and single-point emergency lighting systems, as defined in AS/NZS 2293.1. 1.3 DEFINITIONS...

AS/NZS 3130:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 3130:1995 pdf free.Approval and test specification - Beauty therapy equipment. AS/NZS 3130 prescribes the safety requirements for beauty therapy equipment (as defined in Clause 4. 1) intended for operation from supply mains or from battery supplies (internal or external). It also includes devices intended for use by private individuals and by beauty and slimming clinics (i.e. non-medical agencies). This...

AS/NZS 1576.1:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 1576.1:1995 pdf free.Scaffolding - Part1:General requirements. AS/NZS 1576.1 sets out design and operational requirements for scaffolding, except trestle scaffolding, portable ladders intended to he used as working platforms and elevating working platforms. 1.3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 1.3.1 Access platform—a platform that is only used or intended to be used to provide...

AS/NZS 2172:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 2172:1995 pdf free.Cots For Household Use - Safety Requirements. AS/NZS 2172 specifies safety requirements for cots. These requirements include material, design. construction, performance, labelling and marking. all of which are important for the well-being of children who use cots. The Standard is applicable to cots for use in household situations with the exception of’ fold ing cots and carry...

AS/NZS 4327:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 4327:1995 pdf free.Metal-banded flexible couplings for low-pressure applications. AS/NZS 4327 specifies requirements for metal-banded flexible couplings (referred to in this Standard as flexible couplings) either with or without metal shear rings to be used in below or above ground low-pressure pipeline systems which convey water, waste water or stormwater. AS/NZS 4327 applies to flexible couplings designed for jointed items...

AS/NZS 2023:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 2023:1995 pdf free.Baths for ablutionary purposes.Here is the introduction: AS/NZS 2023 specifies requirements for baths for ahiutionary purposes, including hulk-in, inset, island, and freestanding styles. Only critical dimensions are specified. This Standard does not apply to spa baths and baths specifically designed for medical applications. 1.2 APPLICATION Baths shall comply with Section 1 and with Sections 2 to 6...

AS/NZS 3013:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 3013:1995 pdf free.Electrical installations - Classification of the fire and mechanical performance of wiring systems. AS/NZS 3013 sets out a classification system for wiring systems according to their ability to— (a) maintain circuit integrity under fire conditions for a specified period; and (b) maintain circuit integrity against mechanical damage of specified severity. It specifies type tests to determine the...

AS/NZS 2538:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 2538:1995 pdf free.Vehicle support stands.Here is part of the introduction. AS/NZS 2538 specifies requirements for the design, construction, performance and labelling of vehicle support stands. 2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard: AS 1192 Electroplated coatings—Nickel and chromium AS 1789 Electroplated coatings—Zinc on iron or steel AS 1790 Electroplated coatings—Cadmium on iron or steel...

AS/NZS 4286:1995 pdf free

AS/NZS 4286:1995 pdf free.Single-service cloth towels.Here is part of the introduction. AS/NZS 4286 specifies constructional and performance requirements for three grades of single-service cloth towels. This Standard also covers the information required to be supplied with towels and their processing. care, transportation, and dispensing. 2 OBJECTIVE The objective of this Standard is to facilitate the provision of reusable, single-use towels...

AS 1548-1995 pdf free

AS 1548-1995 pdf free.Steel plates for pressure equipment. AS 1548 specifies requirements for hot-miled silicon-aluminium fully killed caiion-manganese steel plates to a niaxinumi thickness of 150 mm for use in the constniction of boiIer and pressure vessels. NOTE: Guidelines to purchasei on requirenwnts that should be specified by the purchaser and those that should be agreed to at the time...