ANSI B7.1-2000 pdf download.Safety Requirements for Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive Wheels.
1.2.20 device: A piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special pur- pose or perform a special function. (See de- vice, safety.) 1.2.21 device, auxiliary: A device that by itself does not safeguard hazards but is re- quired to ensure the proper operation of the safeguarding (guards, safety devices or meth- ods). 1.2.22 device, safety: A means that detects or prevents inadvertent access to a hazard (see safeguarding). 1.2.23 discrete parts or assemblies: Sepa- rate or distinct units or elements that are considered output or work in progress of an industrial machine or manufacturing system. 1.2.24 dressing:* Dressing is the process of removing bond material from around the cut- ting grains or diamonds in order to expose new, sharp cutting edges and to provide chip clearance for the material removal process. (See truing.) 1.2.25 enclosure, additional: Additional en- closure is protection which isolates the opera- tion from people in the surrounding area. (See splash shield.) 1.2.26 exhaust zone: The effective area of the ventilation system used for control of dust and fumes.1.2.27 flanges: Flanges are collars, discs or plates between or against which wheels are mounted and are referred to as adaptor, sleeve, straight relieved or straight unrelieved types. 1.2.28 frame: See base. 1.2.29 grind cycle: The period of time, either continuous or intermittent, during which the grinding tool is engaged to remove material from the workpiece. 1.2.30 grinding machine:* A grinding ma- chine, designed primarily for metal removal, presents a grinding tool against a workpiece, producing a change in shape, size, and sur- face finish. It may also be used for grinding material other than metals such as glass, ce- ramics, plastics, and rubber.1.2.31 grinding surface or face: The grind- ing surface or face is the surface of the abra- sive wheel upon which grinding is properly performed. 1.2.32 grinding tool: See section 1.2.1. 1.2.33 guard:* A barrier that prevents entry into the point of operation or other hazard area. 1.2.34 guard, adjustable barrier: A guard with provisions for adjustment to accommo- date various jobs or tooling setups.ANSI B7.1 pdf download.
ANSI B7.1-2000 pdf download