AS 3789.8-1997 pdf free.Textiles for health care facilities and institutions – Part8:Recyclable barrier fabrics.
The performance requirements of this Standard relate only to fabrics which have not been put into regular use in a working environment. They may have been subject to laundering, for example, but only as part of a test process. Test conditions do not necessarily reflect true laundry conditions.
The objective of this Standard is to provide manufacturers, suppliers, and purchasers of recyclable barrier fabric with a set of minimum performance requirements.
4 DEFINITION For the purpose of this Standard the definition below applies:
4.1 Barrier effectiveness of a fabric—barrier fabrics are designed to he fluid repellent or fluid proof. The effectiveness of the fabric is gauged by its resistance to microorganisms under wet or dry conditions.
5 AGREED SERVICE LIFE The minimuni performance requirements specified in this Standard shall be achievable for a period agreed between the supplier and the user, from the time the product has been put into service, provided that the manufacturer’s recommended laundering and autoclaving conditions have been followed.
NOTE: The agreed period may be expressed as a period of time, a number of washes or any other formula that is acceptable to both parties.
6 CLASSIFICATION All recyclable barrier fabrics shall be supplied accompanied by information as to their suitability for use in surgical gowns. drapes or wraps or any combination of these items.
In the event of additional uses being found for the material, the same principle shall apply.
7.1 Construction The fabric shall be constructed so that it complies with the requirements detailed in Clause 9.
When a sealed sample is held, it shall be used for comparison of construction requirements not otherwise specified.
7.2 Dimensions of pieces
7.2.1 Length The lengths and number of pieces in each roll is a matter for agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
7.2.2 Width The width shall he measured in accordance with AS 2001.2.12. The width, including the selvedge, shall be not less than the stated width.
7.3 Colour The colour of the finished fabric supplied is a matter for agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
Where a sealed sample is held, comparison with the bulk supply shall show a variation of not less than 4, using the grey scale in accordance with AS 2001.4.1.
7.4 Mass per unit area The mass per unit area of the finished fabric shall be determined in accordance with AS 2001.2.13 and shall conform to the minimum mass given in Clause 9.AS 3789.8 pdf download.
AS 3789.8-1997 pdf free