AS NZS 1067.2:2016 pdf free.Eye and face protection—Sunglasses and fashion spectacles Part 2: Test methods. Test report
Record LF as the uniformity of luminous transmittance.
7.2.2 Mounted filters and unmounted filters covering both eyes Test method
Locate the defined reference points defined in Iso 4007. Define two circular areas around the reference points with diameter d, calculated as follows:
Circular areas are determined around each of these centres with diameters d, calculated as follows:
a) for filters equal to or greater than 50 mm in vertical depth at the reference point, d = (40,0 ± 0,5) mm;
b) for filters less than 50 mm in vertical depth at the reference point, d = [vertical depth of filter (h) – 10 ± 0,5j mm.
A 5 mm wide portion around the edge of the filter shall be excluded from this circular area.
Scan this circular area with a 5 mm nominal diameter light beam white light or a narrow spectral band with a maximum spectral energy at (555 ± 25) nm and measure the luminous transmittance with a detector whose spectral responsivity approximates that of the CIE 2° Standard Observer (ISO 11664-1). The effects of displacement of the light beam by the any prismatic effect of the filter (see B.3.4.1) shall be compensated forand variations in thickness shall be corrected as in Annex L.
For filters with bands or gradients of different luminous transmittance, assessments of variations in luminous transmittance shall be for sections parallel to the line joining the reference points.
Measure and record the value of luminous transmittance -rVL at the left eye reference point and the value of luminous transmittance TVR at the right eye reference point. Pair of individually mounted split field polarizers cut to give planes of transmission at a + 3° and a – 3° angle about the horizontal, or the prescribed axis. The top and bottom halves of the polarizers shall be joined together and glass mounted, with the line of the join horizontal or perpendicular to the prescribed axis. The polarizers shall be capable of being rotated by means of a lever carrying a corresponding pointer. The pointer transverses a scale calibrated in degrees left or right of zero. The split fields shall be illuminated from behind by a diffused light source (see Figure 3). Test procedure
Mount the sunglass on the apparatus (see Figure 4), with the front towards the split fields on a horizontal register bar and ensure that the split field appears in the centre of the filter by means of vertical adjusters and that the pantoscopic angle and the face form angle are ‘as worn’.
For the left filter, move the lever from side to side until the top and bottom halves of the illuminated split field appear of equal luminance when viewed through the filter.
Read off the pointer position to give the deviation in degrees (plus or minus) of the plane of transmission of the filter from the horizontal or the prescribed orientation. Repeat the procedures for the right filter.AS NZS 1067.2 pdf download.
AS NZS 1067.2:2016 pdf free