AS NZS 2040.2:2021 pdf download.Performance of household electrical appliances一Clothes washing machines Part 2: Energy efficiency labelling requirements.
2.1 General
21.1 Introduction
This Section sets out the test requirements, equations and procedures for calculating values of the comparative energy consumption (CEC) and star rating, which appear on an energy rating label.
The process consists of measuring the tested energy consumption (Et) and standby power of each unit tested, then calculating the projected annual energy consumption (PAEC) of the unit.
The values of PAEC for the units tested are used to determine the CEC for the model. The warm wash
CEC, the spin performance and the rated load capacity are then used to calculate the star rating index
(SRI) and the star rating.
NOTE For an example of calculations carried out on a typical set of test results, see Appendix A.
2.1.2 Multi-compartment clothes washing machines
For multi-compartment clothes washing machines, the process outlined above applies to each washing compartment that, were it a separate single compartment machine, would fall within the scope of this Standard (specified in the relevant legislation).
If the compartments can operate independently and each has a program for washing a normally soiled load at rated load capacity, they shall each be separately tested against the full suite of performance criteria set out in Section 3, and each rated and labelled in accordance with this Standard. Such machines shall carry a separate energy rating label for each compartment.
If the compartments can only operate together then each shall be loaded to its rated load capacity and tested concurrently in accordance with Section 3 of this Standard. Such machines shall carry a single energy rating label.
2.2 Processing of data
2.2.1 Program for energy efficiency labelling
The program for energy efficiency labelling shall be as nominated by the supplier. This shall be the program recommended in the product literature (i.e. operating manual or user instructions) to wash a normally soiled cotton load at rated load capacity. The nominated program shall meet the performance criteria of Section 3. The test wash water temperature of this program shall be a minimum of 35 °C.
NOTE 1 If the program results in a test wash water temperature of less than 35 °C, minor adjustments as necessary may be used to achieve a minimum 35 °C warm wash temperature.
NOTE 2 When check testing is undertaken, it will be to the relevant legislation to which the model has been registered.
If there is a program nominated “Normal” in the product literature and/or marked on the clothes washing machine, or one that implies normal such as “Universal”“Regular”“Daily” or “Everyday”, then that program shall be the one nominated as the program for washing a normally soiled load.
If there is more than one program recommended to wash a normally soiled cotton load at rated load capacity, e.g. “Normal”, “Normal eco” and/or “Normal plus”, then the percentage soil removal and standard deviation performance criteria of Section 3 shall be met by each of these programs.AS NZS 2040.2 pdf download.
AS NZS 2040.2:2021