AS NZS 2885.6:2018 pdf free.Pipelines- Gas and liquid petroleum Part 6: Pipeline safety management.
1.5.3 Documentation General
The SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROCESS shall be documented with sufficient detail so that independent reviewers or future users can make an informed assessment of the integrity of the process and its outcomes, including the basis for the identification of THREATS and the reasoning behind the assessment of the effectiveness of the controls applied. New pipelines
For new pipelines, safety management documentation shall be transferred from the design and construct phase of the project to the operating phase of the project in a form that enables safety management to be undertaken from the time that operation commences and throughout the lifecycle of the asset.
Where THREAT controls require ongoing activities, those activities shall be documented in the PIPELINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Existing pipelines
For existing pipelines, the existing PIPELINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (see AS 2885.3) shall be updated with the actions from the SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROCESS. The PIPELINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM shall identify these actions as arising from the SMS.
1.5.4 Implementation
All actions arising from the SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROCESS shall be implemented unless further review after the SMS, including consultation with relevant workshop participants, justifies and documents cancellation of the action.
Implementation of SMS actions shall be documented.
Where ongoing action is required, a reporting mechanism shall be implemented and audited to demonstrate effectiveness.
For new PIPELINE SYSTEMS, all SMS actions that are necessary for safe pressurization and operation shall be completed prior to the commencement of COMMISSIONING.
The period allowed for the implementation of each action shall be identified as part of the
1.5.5 Safety management study validation
Where required by this Standard, each SMS shall be validated in a properly constituted workshop that shall review each aspect of the SMS. A workshop is properly constituted when it includes, as a minimum, participants who—
(a) are collectively COMPETENT in the subject area to be addressed by the workshop;
(b) have detailed field-based knowledge of the pipeline route and its surroundings; and
(c) have authority to make decisions in the field which they represent.AS NZS 2885.6 pdf download.
AS NZS 2885.6:2018 pdf free – Pipeline safety management