ASTM A276/A276M-17 pdf free.Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes.
ASTM A276/A276M covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 2) for general corrosion resistance and high-temperature service are covered in a separate specification.
3. Ordering Information
3.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this specification. Such requirements may include but are not limited to the following:
3. 1 . I Quantity (weight or number of pieces),
3. 1 .2 Name of material: stainless steel,
3.1.3 Form (bars, angles, and so forth),
3. 1 .4 Condition (Section 4. I ),
3.1.5 Finish (Section 8 of Specification A484/A484M),
3.1.6 Surface preparation of shapes (Section 8 ot Specificatiofl A484/A484M).
3.1.7 Applicable dimensions including sue, thickness. width, and length. I.
3. 1 .8 Cross section (round, square, and SO forth),
3.1.9 Type or UNS designation (Table I).
3.1.10 ASTM designation and date of issue, and
3. 1. I I WheLher bars are to be rolled as bars or cut from strip or plate.
3.1.12 Test for magnetic penueability when specified by customer purchase order when ordering Types 201 and 205.
4. Manufacture
4. 1 Condition
4.1.I Bars shall be furnished in one of the following conditions listed in the Mechanical Requirements table: Condition A-Annealed
4. 1. 1.2 Condition H-Hardened and tempered at a relatively low temperature
4. 1. 1.3 Condition T-Hardened and tempered at a relatively high temperature
4. 1. 1.4 Condition S-Strain Hardened-Relatively light old work
4. 1. 1.5 Condition B-Relatively severe cold work Condition SA-Stabilized annealed
5. Chemical Composition
5. I The steel shall conform to the requirements for chemical composition specified in Table 1.
5.2 Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis required by this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A751.
7. Magnetic Permeability
7. 1 When required by the purchase order, the magnetic ermeability of Types 201 and 205 in the annealed condition shall not exceed 1.2 as tested by a Severn-type indicator.
8. General Requirements
8.1 In addition to the requirements of this specification, all requirements of the current edition of Specification A484/ A484M shall apply. Failure to comply with the general requirements of Specification A484/A484M constitutes non conformance to this specification.
9. Certification
9.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order. the producers certification that the material was manufactured and tested in accordance with this specification, together with a certified report of the test results shall be furnished at the time of the shipment.
10. Keywords
10. I austenitic stainless steel;austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel;ferritic stainless steel;martensitic stainless steel stainless steel bars;stainless steel shapes.ASTM A276/A276M-17 pdf free download.
ASTM A276/A276M-17 pdf free