ASTM D1349-14 pdf free.Standard Practice For Rubber—Standard Conditions For Testing.
Reliable comparisons between different rubber compounds and between different laboratories is an essential component of effective testing.
It is necessary to standardize the temperature and humidity conditions to which materials are subjected prior to and during testing.
3. Temperatures for Testing
3.1 When data arc to be obtained lbr comparison purposes at a specific temperature, select the test temperature and associated tolerance from Table 1.
3.1.1 The temperatures in Table 1 are not to be considered exclusive. If agreed upon between customer and supplier, temperatures within the range shown in Table 1 may be employed, that is, where 195°C was found to he a desired temperature for testing. it would be used with a ±2.0°C tolerance. The temperature shall be recorded and reported.
3.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, tolerance for temperature shall be as given in Table 1.
3.1.3 A tolerance of ± 1°C (± 1.8°F) or less. may be required by a specification, procedure, practice, standard or method, or as agreed upon between customer and supplier and shall be recorded and reported. Refer to 4.3.1.
5. Conditioning of Materials for Testing
5. I The conditioning of materials for testing does not apply to preparation, mixing. rocessing, or vulcanizing temperatures or humidity conditions for rubber compounds as these are typically well defined by individual specifications. procedures practices, standards or methods.
5.2 Physical and other properties of rubber are influenced by temperature and relative humidity in a manner that materially atiects test results.
5.3 Reliable comparisons between different materials and between different laboratories arc reliant upon standardized temperature and relative humidity conditions to which specimens of these materials are subjected prior to testing.
5.4 Conditioning of materials for testing is typically conducted:
5.4.1 For the purpose of bringing the material into equilibrium with the standard laboratory atmosphere. and
5.4.2 To obtain reproducible results, regardless of a previous history of exposure.
5.5 Any specification, procedure. practice, standard or method that specifies the conditioning of materials for testing shall take precedence over this practice.
ASTM D1349-14 pdf free