ASTM D75/D75M-19 pdf free.Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates.
5. Securing Samples
5. I General—Where practicable, samples to he tested for quality shall he obtained from the finished product. Samples from the finished product to be tested for abrasion loss shall not be subject to further crushing or manual reduction in particle size in preparation for the abrasion test unless the size of the finished product is such that it requires further reduction for teSting purposes.
5.2 Iiispeciioii—The material to be sampled shall be visually inspected to determine discernible variations. If any discernible variations are noted, corrective action shall be taken to establish homogeneity in the material prior to sampling. If it is necessary to indicate the degree of variability existing within the main pile. separate samples shall he drawn from separate areas of the pile. The seller shall provide suitable equipment needed for proper inspeclion and sampling.
5.3 Procedure
5.3. Sampling from a Flowing Aggregate Stream(Bins or Belt Discharge) – Select units to be sampled by a random method, such as Practice D3665, from the production. Obtain at least three approximately equal increments, selected at random from the unit being sampled, and combine to form a field sample whose mass equals or exceeds the minimum recommended in 5.4.2. Take each increment from the entire cross section of the material as it is being discharged. It is usually necessary to have a special device constructed for use at each particular plant. This device consists of a pan of sufficient size to intercept the entire cross section of the discharge stream and hold the required quantity of material without overflowing. A set of rails may be necessary to support the pan as it is passed under the discharge stream. Insofar as is possible, keep bins continuously full or nearly full to reduce segregation.ASTM D75/D75M-19 pdf free download.
ASTM D75/D75M-19 pdf free