BS 14100:2020 pdf free.Control of hazardous energy on machinery – Specification.
BS 14100 One of the aims of an intervention risk assessment is to decide, in advance of any work activity, whether it is acceptable to rely on machine interlocking to prevent unexpected start-up of the machine, or whether a secure isolation is required for each activity.
Maintenance activities that require, for example, the dismantling of machine parts or wiring alterations,typically require a secure isolation to be performed. This prevents the machine from being re-energized until all work has been completed, and all workers and their tools are clear of the machine.In some instances the risk assessment could allow some tasks to take place without a secure isolation being necessary and the work carried out safely by relying on the SRPCS to prevent unexpected start-up. In such cases the machine needs to be brought to a safe state before work can commence so that the machine is maintained in a safe state while the task is being performed. Typical tasks might include material loading or unloading, inspections, minor adjustments or lubrication, unblocking or unjamming (see Annex A for examples of tasks).The default position should be to enter a danger zone only after performing a secure isolation, unless alternative arrangements are supported by a risk asssment. Risk assessments should be peridically reviewed to make sure that the risks have not changed over time, e.g. through changes to the environment or from a change in use.Employees should not be expected to carry out a dynamic risk assessment (DRA) as a substitute for
effective planning and the preparation of a written risk assessment.Workers should make a final on-site assessment at the point of work before starting a task to check that the risk assessment and any method statements provided fully cover the risks present on site. If modifications are required they should discuss the modification with an authorized person, preferably the person who wrote the original documentation, before updating the documentation and agreeing how to proceed. Whenever possible, risks from hazardous energy should be determined in the initial machinery design in order to reduce or eliminate them.BS 14100 pdf download.
BS 14100:2020 pdf free