BS 45002-2:2019 pdf free.Occupational health and safety management systems – General guidelines for the application of ISO 45001.
Context of the organization
The risks and opportunities to be considered by the organization depend on the type of organization, what it does and where this is done. This is the context of the organization. For example, if the organization makes cars in a large factory on the edge of a big city, the risks to its workers’ health and safety are very different to those faced by the workers in a small café in a quiet village.
Context doesn’t stay the same — organizations grow, and activities change (for example, new manufacturing lines or technology are introduced). The workforce itself changes over time. Any sort of change to the organization has an impact on its risks and opportunities.
Context also includes factors beyond the organization’s control, for example, if there is an extreme weather event (heatwave, snowstorm, flood), the organization’s risks and opportunities can change. Similarly, if the world economy crashes, the law changes, or the political landscape shifts, the organization’s risks and opportunities can change.
Context also includes people and other organizations which can be affected by the organization’s OH&S management system — or who can affect it. These are the organization’s interested parties.The organization should always consider what its interested parties need and expect, as well as any associated risks and opportunities.
For example:
a) Regulators: there are risks to the organization’s workers if it doesn’t comply with health and safety law and there are also risks to the organization itself if law-breaking leads to prosecution or closing the business.
b) Supply chain: the organization’s OH&S management system is at risk if contracted workers are unaware and fail to follow health and safety rules. A contractor expects its workers to be protected, but the contractor might also bring additional risks to the workplace because of the activities being carried out, lack of health and safety training or lack of understanding of how they are affecting other workers. On the other hand, there is also opportunity to share good practice and knowledge.
c) Shareholders: there are risks if shareholders or the organization’s owners do not support the management system by investing enough money or leading by example. Alternatively, if shareholders or the owners invest time and effort, there are opportunities to improve both health and safety and the management system.BS 45002-2 pdf download.
BS 45002-2:2019 pdf free