BS EN 12697-14:2020 pdf free.Bituminous mixtures – Test methods.Water content.
BS EN 12697-14 Solvents used in this document shall be capable of dissolving bitumen and distilling the solution to recover the water present. The solvents shall not decompose in water and shall have a boiling point of not more than 85。C to prevent the water from biling.NOTE Currently all hydrocarbon solvents are regarded as “hazardous” and “environmentally unfriendly” to varying degrees.Until such time as there is an agreed CEN policy with regard to their usage, each member state should specify its preferred solvent taking into account the Montreal Protocol and views of its own Regulatory Bodies (see also “Warning” in the European foreword).When trichloroethylene is recovered by distillation for further use, care should be taken to ensure that the solvent still conforms to the appropriate requirements. In particular, acidity may develop and a useful precaution is to store the solvent over calcium oxide in coloured glass or suitable metal containers.The solvent should be checked regularly to ensure that it is “dry'”.The method consists of preheating a probe attached to a temperature measuring device before measuring the temperature at stated depths in a number of locations while the asphalt is in one of several different places and then calculating the average.Hot extractor, consisting of a cylindrical container made from non-corrodible or brass gauze of about 1 mm to 2 mm aperture size or, alternatively, a spun copper tube with a ledge at the bottom of which a removable brass gauze disc rests. The container is retained, by any suitable means, in position in the top two-thirds of a metal pot. The pot is flanged and fitted with a secure cover and suitable jointing gasket. The cover is held in the position so that the joint between the container and the cover is solvent tight.The receiver may be ftted with ground glass joints; in this case an adapter may be necessary to connect the receiver to the cover of the pot.BS EN 12697-14 pdf download.
BS EN 12697-14:2020 pdf free