BS ISO 22910:2020 pdf free.Corrosion of metals and alloys – Measurement of the electrochemical critical localized corrosion temperature (E-CLCT) for Ti alloys fabricated via the additive manufacturing method.
BS ISO 22910 The specimen shall be prepared to ensure a reproducible surface finish.The specimen shall be cleaned immediately prior to immersion in the solution by degreasing, rinsing in
high-purity water, followed by ethanol or a similar solvent, and air drying. After degreasing, care shall be taken not to contaminate the test surface of the specimen.9.3 Preparation of solution The solution shall be prepared using reagentgrade chemicals and reagent-grade water purified to 20 μS/cm by distillation equivalent to type I grade (see ISO 3696).9.4 Setting up the E-CLCT test The exposed surface area of the specimen shall be measured. Two different test surfaces of the specimen are prepared, comprising layers perpendicular to or parallel to the stacking direction, depending on the stacking direction via AM.The specimen, counter electrode and salt bridge shall be placed in the test cell. The test cell shall be filled with the solution. It is important to ensure that the specimen is immersed and exposed in the solution. The salt bridge is filled with test solution and is free of air bubbles.The solution shall be stirred continuously throughout the test by bubbling an inert gas through the solution at a controlled rate.The electrodes shall be connected to the potentiostat and the data-recording device. The connections for temperature measurement and control shall be made.The open-circuit potential of the test specimen shall be recorded and the desired anodic potential shall be applied to the specimen. The recommended applied potential for Ti alloys (e.g. Ti-6AI-4V) in the concentrated sodium chloride (25 %) solution is 2,8 V with respect to the saturated calomel electrode
(SCE] (25 °C]. If uncertainty exists concerning whether 2,8 VSscE is sufficiently high to obtain the potential independent E-CLCT, a test at 2,9 V with respect to SCE (25 °C) may be performed. A significant deviation between the E-CLCT obtained at 2,8 VscE and 2,9 VSCE indicates the need for re-evaluation and new choice of potential (for information, refer to Annex A]. Following application of potential for 60 s or longer, the specimen temperature shall be increased at a controlled rate.BS ISO 22910 pdf downlaod.
BS ISO 22910:2020 pdf free